Am Freitag, 27. Oktober 2006 17:51 schrieb Alfred von Campe:
Thanks for all the responses. After reading them all, I will try out the CentOSPlus kernel first. If that doesn't work, then I will probably install FC6 on one or maybe even all of the developer's desktops (well, the ones that are working with video anyway). We are not going to use MythTV itself (we might paly with it, though), but write our own software to do stuff with the video stream (I'm not a developer, so I don't know all the details yet).
Just to add my 2 Eurocents:
We are running CentOS here on the server and Fedora Core on the Desktops for software development. It's actually not a bad combination. Fedora Core is generally a great distribution. It is kind of a moving target with all the updates that are flowing in constantly. Sometimes you have to play around with the settings on your desktop, because application XY was upgraded to a newer version that behaves slightly different. However the underlying system itself is generally rock stable.
I generally would not recommend Fedora on a server. But for a developer workstation always having the bleeding edge stuff can even be an advantage. Expecially when it comes to multimedia.
regards, Andreas Micklei
P.s. I also had Fedora on some of our servers. Also works nice, but keeping them up to date can be really tiresome. CentOS makes life so much easier in this case. :-)