First of all i'd like to appologize for those who helped me by giving an advice using "perl" i'm ashamed to say that i have no experience with it.
Mark, thanks for your effort in writing the below though could you help me understand how it goes ? the best way to do thigns, is to learn them for future references.
I'm no expert with AWK, so i need your help with the below if possible:
awk 'BEGIN { FS=",";} \ ## awk -f begin triggers the afterwords commands to be executed in awk, with , as field delimiter { if ( $4 > "09:00:00" ) { # condition that matched 09 am array[ $2 ][1]++; # incrementing count by one though im a bit at a loss with "array" array[ $2 ][ array[$2][1] + 1] = $3 "::" $4; } # couldn't figure it out } END { for j in array { for k in array[j] { print j, array[j][k]; # prints out what exactly? } } }
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 12:58:33 -0500 From: To: Subject: Re: [CentOS] Text Proccessing script - advice?
Roland RoLaNd wrote:
I have a log file with the following input: X , ID , Date, Time, Y 01,01368,2010-12-02,09:07:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-02,10:54:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-02,13:07:04,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-02,18:54:01,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-03,09:02:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-03,13:53:00,Pass 01,01368,2010-12-03,16:07:00,Pass
My goal is to get the number of times ID has a TIME that's after 09:00:00 each DATE. That would give me two output. one is the number of days ID has been late, and secondly, the day and time this ID has been late .
awk 'BEGIN { FS=",";} \ { if ( $4 > "09:00:00" ) { array[ $2 ][1]++; array[ $2 ][ array[$2][1] + 1] = $3 "::" $4; } } END { for j in array { for k in array[j] { print j, array[j][k]; } } }
It's been a while since I needed to do this, but I *think* the nested "for in array" will work.
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