-----Original Message----- You have /var and/or /tmp on separate filesystems? If not, that is where things are being written to. Specificly, look in /tmp, /var/log/, and under /var/spool. Is /var/tmp separate from /tmp?
about /usr/tmp? If you don't run the machine 24/7, logrotate might
be run, this would mean your log files (under /var/log) will grow and grow and grow ... If you don't have an email alias for root (I assume you don't login as root!), then /var/spool/mail/root will grow and
and grow ... as well (all sorts of silly messages sent to root). It
also possible that stuff is accumulating under /var/spool/lpd as well, although this will be small files.
The machine is up 24/7. The different var, tmps and spool folders didn't look too bad, but did find some large files I had copied a couple of months ago and forgotten. I have cricket monitoring drive space and email if it's above 75% usage. It didn't complain back then, so I'm thinking it's been just below the threshold for a while, and went over the hump just this week with recent smaller files.