On 06/29/2016 07:51 AM, Hersh wrote:
Hi All,
The other thing we have noticed after booting is, screen is completely blank. GUI is not visible on attached monitor.
We tried switching between different terminals using (Ctl+Alt+F1-12). F2-6 are showing command line terminals but, others are returning blank screen only.
It appears that, there is some problem with GUI/gnome. Is there any way to fix this? Please help.
I am not a genius (by any stretch of the imagination :D) .. but I would likely run an fsck on all the filesystem mounts .. I would likely use a LIVE ISO to do that and make sure the hard drive is unmounted.
I would then likely try a GNOME group reinstall like this (as root)
yum reinstall @GNOME gdm
If none of that worked, then I would try reinstalling all the xorg-x11 packages I have installed on the machine.
If that did not work, I would buy a new hard drive, do a new install and then use something like an external case to connect the old drive and copy off any important stuff.
OR .. if I had backup, I would just restore it :D
Note, I am sure there are also any number of other things to try. Maybe someone else will opine.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
On 28 June 2016 at 15:43, Hersh parikhh1@gmail.com wrote:
I forgot to mention, I have followed steps mentioned in this link https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/htm... for configuring vnc.
I have also tried upgrading VNCserver but that didn't help either.
Regards Hersh
On 28 June 2016 at 15:39, Hersh parikhh1@gmail.com wrote:
I have been using VNC on CentOS 7 server from last couple of months and it was running all fine till last night. Unfortunately, there was an abrupt power failure and system got restarted. Now, when I try to login with VNCviwer, it thrown an error message- "*Gnome - oh no! Something has gone wrong "* with a logout option. When I click on logout, I see black/dark gray screen with 3 check boxes.
I googled to figure out a solution and tried several solutions but could not fix the problem. Any suggestion would be very helpful.
Regards Hersh
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