I have installed CentOS 5 with all updates. Also I have 2 ne2000 isa cards.
In recompiling the kernel, I have been trying to follow the instructions on this URL: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Custom_Kernel
The complete error message I get is: Makefile:403: /home/cs/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.i686/arch//Makefile: No such file or directory
I have the following kernel and rpm packages installed: kernel-2.6.18-8.1.4.el5 kernel-headers-2.6.18-8.1.4.el5 kernel-devel-2.6.18-8.1.4.el5 rpm-devel-4.4.2-37.el5 rpm-4.4.2-37.el5 rpm-python-4.4.2-37.el5 redhat-rpm-config-8.0.45-17.el5.centos rpm-build-4.4.2-37.el5 rpm-libs-4.4.2-37.el5
uname -r gives 2.6.18-8.1.4.el5
The .rpmmacros file has the following: %_topdir /home/cs/redhat %packager cs dwoody1@charter.net
The script I am using from a user login is:
rpm -i /home/packages/kernel-2.6.18-8.1.4.el5.src.rpm rpmbuild -bp --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec cd /home/cs/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.`uname -m` cp /home/cs/redhat/SOURCES/kernel-2.6.18-`uname -m`.config .config # enter 'y' for isapnp, isa and 'm' for ne2000 support make xconfig cp .config /home/cs/redhat/SOURCES/kernel-2.6.18-`uname -m`.config cd /home/cs/redhat/SPECS # change the release to: # %define release{?dist} vi kernel-2.6.spec cd /home/cs/redhat/SPECS rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec
After the patches are applied during the last rpmbuild command I get the error message at the top of this email.
Searching the web has not provided any useful information.
According to the documentation in make xconfig, isa and isapnp support have to be compiled into the kernel.
I know that I have either not set a parameter, doing commands in the wrong order or I have missed a step, but I have not been able to determine what.
I have even tried to change the order of the commands without luck.
Any help will be greatly appreciated,