Valeri Galtsev wrote:
On Thu, December 3, 2015 4:28 am, Leon Fauster wrote:
Am 03.12.2015 um 11:08 schrieb Greg Lindahl
I wanted to help you by making sure that you were on the most recent version, but, looking at the website I was unable to figure out if 7.2 was the tip. 7.1503? Is that 7.2? Beats me.
CentOS 7.1511 (aka '7.2') not yet released ...
aka 7.2, huh? auka 7.2 would be more appropriate IMHO (by auka meaning Also UnKnown As). Seriously, the scheme is awfully obscure. Our proficiemcy becomes aking the one of MS Windows admins: you just need to learn new names or locations of yet the same tools.
Sorry, I forgot to pus sarcasm tags...
Agreed. I don't want "hints", and I'm not doing fedora or ubuntu, because I don't want the LATESTGREATESTBLEEDINGEDGETIP, I want *stability*, and, since we're supposed to be *enterprise* grade, I want stuff that's simple enough for a poor ol' sysadmin, who might have to explain to a manager what we're on....