On 6/7/2011 1:22 PM, John R. Dennison wrote:
On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 01:40:13PM -0300, Deivison Moraes wrote:
Hello,I was able togeneratetheiso,butwhen I installreturnserror ¨exec of anaconta failed: No such file or directory¨
Anotherquestion, therevisortakesmy packagesconfiguredasthey were before,asI dothat?
Please stop top-posting on this mailing list.
Learn to properly use a keyboard, specifically, the space-bar. This isn't a question of a language or a culture barrier, nor is it one of a bad keyboard as it is evident that your space-bar does work to some extent. Trying to read your posts on this list is enough to give someone a headache. Please try to be considerate of others.
Heh... It's more of a culture barrier than you think. The actual source of the message looked like: </span><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><span class="hps" title="Clique para mostrar traduções alternativas"> between words. So he did hit the space bar and someone else's tools undid it.