Having just done LinuxWorld Expo, read my article: http://masnetworks.biz
Just some hints. Bring a CD burner and only burn what you need. Make
the Single CD Server since it's only 1 CD instead of 3 CD's, and
anyone can use YUM to install additional packages. Also, I'm not sure
how big FOSDEM is, but 100 CD's were given out in roughly 3 hours at
LinuxWorld. Someone also told me that most people will end up
throwing out the CD's when they get home. A lot of people take
anything that's free at tradeshows.
Matt Shields
http://shieldsmedia.com (currently under construction)
http://shieldsproductions.com (currently under construction)
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 15:36:18 +0100 (CET), Ryan Sweet
rsweet@aoes.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a Centos user in Brussels, BE. I'll be going to the FOSDEM conference
> next weekend and I was thinking about printing up and giving out centos CDs
> while there.
> 1) any other centos folks going to be at FOSDEM?
> 2) any guidelines for printing CD's - I can only run 50 or 100...
> regards,
> -Ryan
> --
> Ryan Sweet
> Advanced Operations and Engineering Services
> AOES Group BV
> Phone +31(0)71 5795521 Fax +31(0)71572 1277
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