Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Luigi Palmiero wrote on Mon, 8 May 2006 09:36:08 +0200:
All char like "°", "-", ecc. in web pages appears as "?". This is the variable in httpd.conf: "AddDefaultCharSet UTF-8"
I have also set: "AddDefaultCharSet ISO-8859-1" without any change.
The CharSet the characters were written in differs from what is sent and displayed by the browser. Make them match and all is well. (That is: either change the CharSet the server sends or change the CharSet the web pages are written in.) You can check the character encoding of a page in your browser, usually at View/Encoding or so. BTW: this is not CentOS-specific.
I'm betting your webpage editor is FrontPage. It defaults to western english char set. We had to set the server charset to even be able to read these dumb Microsoft chars as during the FTP process the chars were getting screwed up.
Try setting the charset in your site editor to something 'standard' and re-upload your pages.
Bill really does want to make this a winders world... all the way down to FP and its non-world-standard charsets.
Best, John Hinton