We've set up a new mirror in France:
Country: France
City: Lyon
Organization: Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3
Organization URL: http://cc.in2p3.fr
Organization Mail: mirror at cc.in2p3.fr
Protocols: http ftp rsync
Centos Versions: all of msync.centos.org::CentOS
URL http: http://mirror.in2p3.fr/linux/CentOS/
URL ftp: ftp://mirror.in2p3.fr/pub/linux/CentOS/
URL rsync: rsync://mirror.in2p3.fr/ftp/linux/CentOS/
Syncing: twice a day
BandWidth: 100 Mb/s (may change to 1 Gb/s; site bandwidth: 10 Gb/s)
I'd like to mirror the DVD images. Can you allow to
download the DVD images from the master site?
Laurent Caillat-Vallet | Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de
Tel. +33(0) | Physique des Particules - Centre de Calcul
Fax. +33(0) | http://cc.in2p3.fr/
DVD Access
by Nuno Vieira - nfsi telecom
19 Oct '07
19 Oct '07
Hello Lance,
Can you please allow us (ftp.nfsi.pt) to get dvd rsync access ?
You can mark our mirror as dvd (yes) and we can arrange rsync access for other mirrors to sync here if needed.
Please allow access for our site (http://mirror.anl.gov) to sync from
Our sync servers share a common filesystem, and only one is configured
to sync at any given time, but please add both IPs:
Thanks, -Brian
Brian Elliott Finley
Linux Strategist
Argonne National Lab, CIS
Office: 630.252.4742
Mobile: 630.631.6621
Hi everyone.
I finally got approval to make my mirror public.
Relevant info:
Host: mirrors.rit.edu
Protocols: http, rsync
Directory: /centos
Location: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA
Sponsor: Research Computing (URL after the web page is less ugly)
Bandwidth: uncapped (I forgot our exact pipes, but I think we have a
combined i1 bandwidth of 550Mb/s and and i2 of 200Mb/s)
Preferred public contact email: paul.mezzanini(a)rit.edu
I sync nightly but if need-be I can add another cron line or two.
(right now it fires all my updates off in series at 3am local time)
I hope I have all the info you need
Dobry den,
omlouvam se, ale od 30.8. do 14.9. jsem na dovolene. Ozvu se Vam okamzite po svem navratu.
Zdenek Pipal
ComArr s.r.o.
Tolarova 291
533 51 Pardubice
telefon - 466889129(111)
Dobry den,
omlouvam se, ale od 30.8. do 14.9. jsem na dovolene. Ozvu se Vam okamzite po svem navratu.
Zdenek Pipal
ComArr s.r.o.
Tolarova 291
533 51 Pardubice
telefon - 466889129(111)