(Cross-posted to Mirror list due to probable relevancy)
Jerry Amundson wrote:
>>> Error Downloading Packages:
>>> ghostscript-fonts - 5.50-13.1.1.noarch: failure:
>>> CentOS/ghostscript-fonts-5.50-13.1.1.noarch.rpm from base: [Errno 256]
>>> No more mirrors to try.
>>> texi2html - 1.76-4.fc6.noarch: failure:
>>> CentOS/texi2html-1.76-4.fc6.noarch.rpm from base: [Errno 256] No more
>>> mirrors to try.
>> All mirrors failed with -
>> [Errno 9] Requested Range Not Satisfiable
> Only x86_64.
> i386 installs successfully.
I'm showing a number of 416 errors in my mirror's Apache log files. They
all appear to be for CentOS 5.2 x86_64 noarch packages.
It's possible that this is due to some problems that are currently being
discussed in -mirror. hughesjr recently rebuilt the hardlink structure
for 5.2 x86_64 noarch packages, following reports of files that failed
to match their checksums.
I personally have set:
FileETag MTime
in my mirror Apache config, which probably has left my server caching
information and advertising ETag validity for files that have since
shrunk following the relinking. Clients are left asking for more file
than currently exists.
Restarting the server is an immediate fix; but I should probably also be
including at least Size in there... or maybe just unset it and let the
default "INode MTime Size" work its magic.
It's possible that the metadata files also have some influence on what
content ranges are requested, but I'm not a Yum expert so I can't say
for sure.