Hi all,
Location: Europe / Belgium
Bandwith: 100 mbit,
Organisation name: WeePee telecom (http://www.weepeetelecom.eu)
Mirror via HTTP only: http://centos.weepee.org
We mirror everything, and we would like to mirror the DVD`s as well (we have apache > 2.2 so we can server large files ;))
Joeri van Dooren
Westkapelsesteenweg 103
8380 Brugge 5 (Dudzele)
T: 070 66 03 04
F: 070 66 00 61
We would like to introduce a new CentOS mirror
Method: HTTP (Only)
Version: All
Architectures: All
Direct DVD Downloads: Yes
- Country: Malaysia
- City: Kuala Lumpur
- State: Wilayah Persekutuan
- Bandwidth: 20Mbit/s
- Update frequency: Every 6 hours
- Sponsor: IP ServerOne Solutions Sdn Bhd
- Sponsor: URL: http://www.ipserverone.com
- Mirror Server contact: cllee(a)ipserverone.com
Hope this clear
Best Regards,
Lee Cheung Loong
System Consultant
I would like to add my server into CentOS mirror list.
Here is the parameters:
Server address - ftp://ftp.linux.lg.ua/pub/centos (maybe i will add
other protocols in future)
Sync versions - 5.x (i will sync 6.x too)
Sync architectures - i386 x86_64
Sync time - every 6 hours
Server connection speed - 1Gbps
Server location - Ukraine, Lugansk
Sponsoring organization - LDS (Luganskie Domashnie Seti), http://lds.ua
Dear ,
Pls help me to edit the status of my mirror :
- Versions Support Now : 4,5
- About ISO redirect , why my mirror had the DVD-CD-ISO x_64bit , but
why the link of Centos Mirror don't have link to my mirror ??
+ 32 bit : http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/5/isos/i386/ -> OK ,
this have my mirror .
+ 64 bit : http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/5/isos/x86_64/ -> Don't
have my mirror ? Why not ?
Pls help me to check !
Thanks very much !
Best Regards ,
I just added everyone who got access to the DVDs now and wasn't listed
on www.centos.org as carrying the DVDs to our database. So your mirror
should be listed there in a few hours as having the DVDs.
I noticed that a few mirrors which requested access don't carry the DVDs
yet. Give me a shout once you're done, I'll add you then.
Remember that you need to change your rsync scripts, use
msync-dvd.centos.org as the server to pull from, the target is
CentOS-incdvd - as in
/usr/bin/rsync -aqzH --delete --delay-updates msync-dvd.centos.org::CentOS-incdvd
don't have them yet (I hope I didn't forget anyone).
while I am still struggling with that host (well, small technicialities,
nothing major), I'd like to start a discussion on how to convert our
mirror table to the layout which is needed for mirrormanager.
You can find a description of the table at
http://oerks.de/~ralph/mirrordb.txt - that probably is easier to look at
than trying to get out a version via mail which doesn't break for
everyone :)
Let me explain that table (and let me explain the fields we probably
still need and which we don't need anymore, afaics).
Name: Is our primary key - so every mirror has to have a unique name in
our DB
location-major: That's the continent
locmajidx: numerical representation of the continent
location-minor: Country (or in the case of US and Canada: State)
http,ftp,rsync: The URLs the mirror is at
speed: Used for the representation on the mirrorlist at www.centos.org.
Mostly T1 anyway, not needed anymore, I guess.
bandwidth: Actual bandwidth. Not needed.
status: set by mirror-status (at least Dead, Disabled is for manual
state: more detailed state
contact-name: Name of the person running the mirror. Internal use for us.
contact-tel: I cannot remember calling a mirroradmin :)
contact-email: Our second unique field. I guess that will be used for login
comments: Free form, normally the request mail sent to the list. Nice to
have, but not needed.
access*: Not used
Type: We only have direct mirrors.
restructured: That must have happened before 2006 :)
centostext: What to add to the mirror URLs (so mostly unused)
url: The URL to the sponsor's website
info_note, notes_private,infoblock,graphic_url: Not used.
centos*: Which versions does the mirror carry?
arch_all: Yes, if not, then:
arches: Free form - only used for the mirror list on www
dvd-iso: Does it carry them (always yes since 6)
dvd*: The versions (6 is set to yes always)
dvd-iso-host,rsync-dvd-host: No idea. Not used
cc: The TLD the mirror is in. Actually used for generating
mirrorlists.txt for that country
continent: Used for the mirrorlist on www
centos_code,priority: Not used
use-in-mirror-list: Used: We don't really put 10Mbit-machines in EU or
US or CA into the mirrorlist.txt which is handed out via yum
I guess we can drop many of those when going over to mirrormanager. But:
What I don't see on the Fedora pages is a list of all the mirrors (by
country/continent/whatever) - I know that this is one thing we actually
do need and want.
All the other location data probably aren't needed anymore, afaics.
Anything I actually overlooked?
Good afternoon,
I have added a new mirror as detailed below.
Server name - BOFH.so
Server admin - mirr-adm(a)bofh.so
Server location - Paris, France
Server address - mirror.bofh.so
Server protocol - http, ftp, rsync
Connection speed - 100 Mbps
Mirror location - mirror.bofh.so/mirror.centos.org/ (path is the same
for all protocols)
Frequency of updates - Hourly
The mirror supports IPv6.
BOFH.so Mirror Admin
On 20.11.2011 18:39, James Cornick - JCHost.net wrote:
> Ralph,
> noc(a)jchost.net
Erm, that is an answer to what?
This is in response to needing a primary email contact for the mirror, sorry I didn't copy you previous response.
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2011 23:44:21 +0100
From: Ralph Angenendt<ralph.angenendt(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] New Mirror Availiable
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On 17.11.2011 17:33, JCHost.net - James Cornick wrote:
> Hello all,
> Please let me know what other information I can provide.
I need the mail address for the people responsible for that mirror (as
that will also be the username for when we switch to MirrorManager).
Regards, Ralph
On 11/27/2011 11:00 AM, centos-mirror-request(a)centos.org wrote:
> On 20.11.2011 18:39, James Cornick - JCHost.net wrote:
>> > Ralph,
>> >
>> > noc(a)jchost.net
> Erm, that is an answer to what?
> Ralph