Hi there,
we have setup a new mirror
Country : Malaysia
Company Name: Hostemo Technology Sdn Bhd
Company Website: http://www.hostemo.com
Contact: noc(a)hostemo.com
Versions: All
Architectures: All
HTTP: http://mirrors.hostemo.com/CentOS/
Syncronize: 4 times a day
Network: 100Mbps
To support CentOS, we finished setup the first CentOS mirror server in Oman. Here are the details:
Name: Sultan Qaboos University
URL: http://www.squ.edu.om
Mirror's URL: http://mirror.squ.edu.om/centos/
resync runs 4 times a day
Location: Muscat, Oman
bandwidth: 150 M
email: mirror(a)squ.edu.om
If you want more information, fee free to contact us.
Kind regards,
Fahad Al-Saidi
Hello all,
Just wanted to let you know we have gotten our mirror synced and online
with the following address:
Other Information:
Country: US
State: MO
Org Name: JCHost.net Internet Services
Protocol: HTTP only
Allocated 100mbits of bandiwidth for the mirror, set to rsync two times
Please let me know what other information I can provide.
Thanks all!
Good day!
I set up new mirror CentOS - http://champground.com/centos/
Server name - ChampGround
Server admin - vt.avtmail(a)gmail.com, Vladimir
Server location - Latvia, Riga
Server address - champground.com
Server protocol - http
Connection speed - 100 Mbps
Mirror location - champground.com/centos/
Frequency of updates - twice a day
I noticed that our mirrors server had been offline for a few days due to a
hardware failure. We've replaced the faulty drive controller and put it
back online. We're still hosting the same mirrors for CentOS as before
with the same URL (IE: all versions including DVD's) from our Miami,
Florida based data center.
FTP: ftp://mirrors.igsobe.com/centos
HTTP: http://mirrors.igsobe.com/centos
Please let me know if you have any questions.
John C. Young
Managing Director
Internet Gateway of South Beach
New CentOS mirror available for inclusion:
rsync: mirror.thelinuxfix.com::CentOS
Server is syncing 3 times per day.
Bandwidth is 1 gbps
Server is located in Troy, Michigan, USA
Sponsoring organization is:
The Linux Fix (http://tlfhosting.com)
If any other info is needed, please let me know.
Brian Downey
The Linux Fix LLC
Thanks for updating the ftp and rsync option on public mirror list, We
request you please change our display name at mirror list to Cyber
Futuristics Data Center Go4hosting
Looking forward to get positive response.
With Best Regards
Sandeep Agarwal
Lead Consultant - IDC (Internet Datacenter Services)
Cyber Futuristics India Pvt. Ltd.
Address : SDF Block G-13/14,Noida Special Economic Zone(Formerly NEPZ)
Noida Phase II , Noida Dadri Road , Noida -201 305 INDIA
US Toll Free # 1.888.795.2770 UK Toll Free # 44.800.845.6515
IN # 91-120-6667719 Mail: sandeep.agarwal(a)cyfuture.com
URL: http://www.cyfuture.com <http://www.cyfuture.com/> ||
http://www.go4hosting.com <http://www.go4hosting.com/>
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From: Sandeep Agarwal
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 5:28 PM
To: centos-mirror(a)centos.org
Subject: RE: Please add ftp and rsync in mirror and modify the display
We have added ftp and rsync option for the mirrors please use the below
link and get that updated in mirror list
RSYNC : rsync://centosmirror.go4hosting.in/centos/
FTP: ftp://centosmirror.go4hosting.in/
We also request you to please modify our display name on public mirror
list to Cyber Futuristics Data Center Go4hosting
Please get this done.
Looking forward to your reply
With Best Regards
Sandeep Agarwal
Lead Consultant - IDC (Internet Datacenter Services)
Cyber Futuristics India Pvt. Ltd.
Address : SDF Block G-13/14,Noida Special Economic Zone(Formerly NEPZ)
Noida Phase II , Noida Dadri Road , Noida -201 305 INDIA
US Toll Free # 1.888.795.2770 UK Toll Free # 44.800.845.6515
IN # 91-120-6667719 Mail: sandeep.agarwal(a)cyfuture.com
URL: http://www.cyfuture.com <http://www.cyfuture.com/> ||
http://www.go4hosting.com <http://www.go4hosting.com/>
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From: Sandeep Agarwal
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 3:39 PM
To: centos-mirror(a)centos.org
Subject: Please add ftp and rsync in mirror
We have added ftp and rsync option for the mirrors please use the below
link and get that updated in mirror list
RSYNC : rsync://centosmirror.go4hosting.in/centos/
FTP: ftp://centosmirror.go4hosting.in/
Please get this done.
Looking forward to your reply
With Best Regards
Sandeep Agarwal
Lead Consultant - IDC (Internet Datacenter Services)
Cyber Futuristics India Pvt. Ltd.
Address : SDF Block G-13/14,Noida Special Economic Zone(Formerly NEPZ)
Noida Phase II , Noida Dadri Road , Noida -201 305 INDIA
US Toll Free # 1.888.795.2770 UK Toll Free # 44.800.845.6515
IN # 91-120-6667719 Mail: sandeep.agarwal(a)cyfuture.com
URL: http://www.cyfuture.com <http://www.cyfuture.com/> ||
http://www.go4hosting.com <http://www.go4hosting.com/>
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