Weve a new mirror available:
HTTP: <http://mirror.yourwebhoster.eu/centos/>
Company: Yourwebhoster.eu (http://yourwebhoster.eu)
OS: CentOS
Versions: All
Arch: All
Update: 4x per day
Protocols: FTP, HTTP
Includes DVD ISOs: Yes
Bandwidth available: Capped at 120 Mbit
Location: Dronten, The Netherlands
Network: Serverius (AS50673)
IPv6: Native
Met vriendelijke groet,
Daniël Koop
Description: Description: l
Tel. 0294820000
MR. J.C. Bührmannlaan 36
1381GM Weesp
KVK 32165429
BTW nr. NL210242930B01
New Mirror in Brazil, South America
HTTP: http://centos.secrel.com.br/
Company: SecrelNet
OS: CentOS
Versions: 5, 6
Arch: i386, x86_64
Update: 2x per day
Protocols: HTTP
Includes DVD ISOs: Yes
Bandwidth available: for now 1Gbit/s
Daniel Gurgel
Tecnologia - Redes
e-mail: gurgel(a)secrel.net.br
Tel: +55 85 3288-2000
SecrelNet - Hostweb
Hello, Please Update our mirror information:
South America Chile NetGlobalis<http://www.netglobalis.net/>
Updated info:
Tier 1
Versions : 4 5
Arch: i386 x86_64
Best Regards,
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Thank you".
First post, good news. J
I’ve created a public available mirror (it only contains CentOS 5): http://centos.zero42.at/
Feel free to add me to the list of mirrors.
Best regards,
"eu-msync.centos.org has address
2011-07-09 11:29:46
msync.CentOS.org rsync service (centosh2)"
Above server just deleted 6.0 of our mirror, and some other updates as well. Would it make sense to disable rsync from machines that are not yet up2date during a major version update? That way traffic could be greatly reduced. For now i removed --delete from the script, but in my opinion temporary disabling rsync from out-of-date machines would be better, since it can be better controlled.
Regards, Sander
Just a quick note to say that mirrors.igsobe.com had a drive failure, I have
put a new server together and will begin a download from another site
This server is located on a more robust network than it's previous location
and has a 10GB link to our 140 megabit backbone.
We look forward to helping take some of the load off the other mirrors for
the release of 6.0, we will still be carrying the DVD media.
Congratulations to everyone that worked on v6.0, I am looking forward to
checking it out as well.
John C. Young
Internet Gateway of South Beach
Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless
-----Original message-----
From: centos-mirror-request(a)centos.org
To: centos-mirror(a)centos.org
Sent: Sat, Jul 9, 2011 16:00:09 GMT+00:00
Subject: CentOS-mirror Digest, Vol 77, Issue 6
Send CentOS-mirror mailing list submissions to
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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of CentOS-mirror digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. Just finished setting up a new CentOS Mirror -
http://mirror.net.cen.ct.gov/centos (Pennington, Michael)
2. Msync issue (Nick Olsen)
3. Re: CentOS Mirror not receiving 6.0 (Oliver Falk)
4. Re: Msync issue (Tru Huynh)
5. Mirror Update (Danilo Lotina)
6. CentOS 6.0 is currently mirroring (James A. Peltier)
7. Re: CentOS 6.0 is currently mirroring (Nick Olsen)
8. Re: CentOS 6.0 is currently mirroring (Anthony Somerset)
9. Re: CentOS Mirror not receiving 6.0 (Ralph Angenendt)
10. Re: CentOS Mirror not receiving 6.0 (Thiago Vinhas)
11. Re: CentOS 6.0 is currently mirroring (Anthony Somerset)
12. Re: CentOS 6.0 is currently mirroring (James A. Peltier)
13. Re: CentOS 6.0 is currently mirroring (Robert Lawrence)
14. out of date master mirrors (Sander Hoentjen - Oxilion)
15. Re: CentOS 6.0 is currently mirroring (Ralph Angenendt)
16. Re: out of date master mirrors (John R. Dennison)
17. Re: out of date master mirrors (Ralph Angenendt)
18. Re: CentOS Mirror not receiving 6.0 (Ralph Angenendt)
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 13:06:07 -0400
From: "Pennington, Michael" <michael.pennington(a)uconn.edu>
Subject: [CentOS-mirror] Just finished setting up a new CentOS Mirror
- http://mirror.net.cen.ct.gov/centos
To: "centos-mirror(a)centos.org" <centos-mirror(a)centos.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi All,
Just finished setting up some new mirrors, one of them happens to be a new
CentOS mirror. Initial sync should be completed in about 30 to 45 minutes.
Current cron job updates it 4 times daily.
No FTP Access
RSYNC - If someone would email me back on how to setup our site to be an
RSYNC server so others can RSYNC do us, I can turn that up as well.
So far it's just HTTP access.
Server is located in East Hartford, CT - USA
Bandwidth cap is basically 10GigE, we are an ISP and have multiple 10GigE
connections out to the Internet/Internet2.
Connecticut Education Network at http://www.ct.gov/cen is the sponsoring
Any else please let me know. Thanks.
Mike Pennington
Network Engineer
Connecticut Education Network, Department of Information Technology
University of Connecticut, University Information Technology Services
5th Floor-Room 5576
101 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT 06108
T - 860-622-2078
F - 860-291-0581
"Lighting Up Connecticut's Information Super Highway Since 2000"
I'm setting up a new public mirror in Rio de Janeiro, but I don't see
CentOS 6.0 coming. Isn't it supposed to be syncing to external mirrors
right now?
My first rsync is being made from msync.centos.org
Thiago Vinhas de Moraes
SimpleWeb Tecnologia Inovativa
Soluções em cloud computing e
gerenciamento de TI
Tel/Fax: 0800-8880-WEB / (21)
Celular: .(21) 9999-0027 / Skype:
E-Mail: thiago(a)simpleweb.com.br
Web: http://www.simpleweb.com.br