I've just added 6.0 to my rsync config. In a few hours ftp.linux.lg.ua
will receive full copy of Centos 6.
So please update "Versions" column on the mirrors list site to "55 60".
Hi Iwao,
Here is the image I check a request ISO from a IP of VietNam :
Don't have my status link in Actual Country ?
And at my status mirror , I never see any reuqest to download x64 ISO .
HTTP of my mirror somtime is crash , I'll check this again . But this
issue has been around since the beginning when I started to mirror the
activity , and I want to finish it .
Thanks !
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Mirror centos.hostace.ru have high resourses usage
> (??????? ?????? ??????????)
> 2. Re: Mirror centos.hostace.ru have high resourses usage
> (??????? ?????? ??????????)
> 3. My mirror don't have at Centos x64 iso link ?
> (Gmail - Pham Duc Hoang)
> 4. Re: My mirror don't have at Centos x64 iso link ? (?? ??)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2011 15:38:36 +0700
> From: Gmail - Pham Duc Hoang <hoangh2a(a)gmail.com>
> Subject: [CentOS-mirror] My mirror don't have at Centos x64 iso link ?
> To: centos-mirror(a)centos.org
> Message-ID: <4DFC640C.5050406(a)gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear Sir,
> Pls help me to check why my mirror ( http://mirrors.digipower.vn ) not
> in this link :
> http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/5/isos/x86_64/
> Only at i386 have my mirror link . Why ?
> My mirror have i386 and x64 Architectures Centos . So pls help me to fix
> this problem .
> Thanks !
Hi Centos Mirrors/Ralph,
Here is the additional information that you needed to add our mirror
(centos.mirror.triple-it.nl) to the mirror list:
Sponsor: Triple IT (http://www.triple-it.nl)
Contact: Triple IT Mirror Maintainer mirror(a)triple-it.nl
Just to be sure, here are the details from our previous email:
> Since today our CentOS mirror is up and running, and is updated 4
> times a day at 00:00/06:00/12:00 and 18:00 to keep it up to date.
> Currently we only have a HTTP mirror located at:
> http://centos.mirror.triple-it.nl
> The mirror is located in Amsterdam (Telecity 2) in the Netherlands,
> the mirror has an 1Gbit/s connection.
If you need more details please let us know.
Triple IT Mirror Maintainer
Hi CentOS Team,
I would like to propose my CentOS mirror.
Here is the info you requested:
Country (Region) : France
State (Area) : Paris
Organization Name : opendoc.net
Versions : 5 and 6
Architectures : i386 and x86_64
Direct DVD D/L : Yes
URL: http://mirror.opendoc.net/CentOS/
Bandwidth : 100 Mbit/s Symetric
Sync interval: 24hrs
Organization URI: http://www.opendoc.net
Contacts: support(a)opendoc.net
Alexandre Bray
Dear centos-mirror,
My public mirror site is in the download page now,but the URL were all wrong.
Organization Name:Beijing Teletron Telecom Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Organization URL:http://www.btte.com.cn
HTTP URL:http://mirrors.btte.net/centos
Please fix it,thanks.
Best regards
Daniel Wu
Technology Team
IDC Dept.
Beijing Enterprises Teletron
Address: 2/F., HP Plaza,No.112 JianGuo Road,Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R.China 100022
Beijing Teletron Telecom Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Tel:+86-010-65661862-232 Email:wu.xiaochen@idc.btte.net
Some time back, I had to take my CentOS mirror offline as the load was
more than the server could handle. I've now build a new server on a much
faster network connection and running on a proper cluster, so with luck,
I should be able to stay up this time.
I am re-sending my initial notice, modified as needed:
> Please email the list when you're all set up with your cron job and
> your initial sync is completed.
Done. :)
> We will add you to our list of mirror sites. Please provide all
> relevant URL's (ftp/http/rsync/?) as well as how often you are
> synchronizing the mirror network.
http, 4/day
> Please include what city/state/country you are in and what your
> bandwidth cap is.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No cap, 1 Gbit connect.
> Also please give a name and link to the sponsoring organization so we
> can give proper credit.
Website/Mirrir; Alteeve's Niche! - https://alteeve.com (OSS tutorials,
talks and reference material)
Bandwidth; Interlink Connectivity - http://iplink.net (Commercial
cluster support, Canadian collocation facility)
> If the best contact point for your mirror is not the address you are
> subscribed to the mailing list with, please provide the email address
> of your preferred contact as well.
Let me know if you need anything else.
E-Mail: digimer(a)alteeve.com
AN!Whitepapers: http://alteeve.com
Node Assassin: http://nodeassassin.org
Hi All,
Just curious if anyone else out there can share stats on their mirror? We've been a Tier 1 mirror for about 2 months now and I just ran some stats against our logs:
Anyone else care to share or email me the type of traffic they normally see. I'm curious to compare to what others are seeing out there.
Mike Pennington
Network Engineer
Connecticut Education Network, Department of Information Technology
University of Connecticut, University Information Technology Services
5th Floor-Room 5576
101 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT 06108
T - 860-622-2078
F - 860-291-0581
"Lighting Up Connecticut's Information Super Highway Since 2000"