I've just noticed, that URL to our ftp mirror points to non-existent
Current URL is: ftp://ftp.prz.edu.pl/centos/
Proper URL is: ftp://ftp.prz.edu.pl/pub/centos/
http and rsync URLs are OK.
Could you update ftp link, please?
Country (region): EU
Area: Poland
Organization name: Rzeszow University of Technology
Krzysztof Raczkowski
Administrator systemów unix/linux
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza
Centrum Zarządzania Rzeszowską Miejską Siecią Komputerową
tel.: (17) 865-13-93; e-mail: raczkow(a)prz.edu.pl
PGP key: http://www.prz.edu.pl/~raczkow/gnupg/pub_key.asc
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I'm realizing that our mirror (mirrors.coopvgg.com.ar) does not appear as
updated in the mirror-status.centos.org within random time intervals.
Here are some tests from the server:
rsync -4 --recursive --no-motd --times --links --hard-links --delay-updates
--stats rsync://msync.centos.org/CentOS-incdvd /var/www/centos/
@ERROR: Unknown module 'CentOS-incdvd'
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1524)
Our IP: / 2001:13e8:2:3::80 (the ipv6 has changed, but the
rsync command forces to use ipv4 that remains the same).
Maybe some servers does not have the proper ACL
Ariel S. Weher
Administrador Técnico
Dto. Sistemas & Networking
Cooperativa Telefónica de
Villa Gobernador Gálvez Ltda.
Tel: +54 341 4921299
Does anyone have recommendations for server hardware? Number of cores, RAM, storage?
We've got the bandwidth, I just need to know what kind of server to get...
I've just noticed, that URL to our ftp mirror points to non-existent
Current URL is: ftp://ftp.prz.edu.pl/centos/
Proper URL is: ftp://ftp.prz.edu.pl/pub/centos/
http and rsync URLs are OK.
Could you update ftp link, please?
Country (region): EU
Area: Poland
Organization name: Rzeszow University of Technology
Krzysztof Raczkowski
Administrator systemów unix/linux
Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza
Centrum Zarządzania Rzeszowską Miejską Siecią Komputerową
tel.: (17) 865-13-93; e-mail: raczkow(a)prz.edu.pl
PGP key: http://www.prz.edu.pl/~raczkow/gnupg/pub_key.asc