Hi there,
I have set up a CentOS mirror in our data centre and would like to ask that
it be made public.
I would first like to confirm I am syncing the best way, using: rsync
-aqzH --delete msync.centos.org::CentOS /mirror/centos/
Currently I am syncing every 3 hours, on the hour.
The server is located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and has a 150mbit
We are Web24 Group Pty Ltd and a link to our website is:
HTTP: http://mirror.web24.net.au/centos/
FTP: ftp://mirror.web24.net.au/centos/
RSYNC: mirror.web24.net.au::centos
Let me know if I need to add any other details.
Thank you. :)
We have setup a new public mirror for CentOS.
*Details for the mirror are:*
* URL : http://centos.hostingxtreme.com
* Synchronized : Every 12 hours
* Location : Columbus, Ohio, USA
* Connection : 100 mbit
* Sponsor : HostingXtreme - http://hostingxtreme.com
* Contact : info(a)hostingxtreme.com
The cron is setup with this lock-file. Hope it is correct:
if [ "$(ps auxw | grep msync.centos.org::CentOS|grep -v grep)" != "" ];then
echo "A centos-sync is already running ..."
echo "rsyncing now"
rsync -aqzH --delete msync.centos.org::CentOS /correct/path/
echo "done syncing"
The HostingXtreme Support Team
We're currently setting up a few mirrors now that we don't have a data
cap on our 100 Mb connection, but I couldn't find a repo size.
So, how large is the actual repository that is synced via rsync?
I have put online a new mirror.
HTTPD only - http://centos.generation-host.com/
Sponsoring Org. Generation-Host.com
Location: Toronto, Ontario - CANADA
Server has 100mbit connection, but can burst higher
Set to sync 4 times per day
Please let me know if any other info is needed,
Matt Cianfarani
Dear mailing list,
Below is the information of my new belgium mirror.
Details for new mirror: * URL : http://mirror.myip.be/pub/centos/ *
Syncronized : Every 6 hours * Location : Oostkamp, Belgium * Connection :
100mbit (backbone connections: Interoute, Colt, BICS [Belgacom]) * Sponsor
: All In One - http://www.all-in-one.be * Contact : info(a)myip.be
With Kind regards,
All In OneDennis de Houx
Now we change our mirroring infrastructure (CLOSE centos.vc.ukrtel.net)
and move to centos.ip-connect.vn.ua (changed domain named and IP).
Please, include (or change centos.vc.ukrtel.net) centos.ip-connect.vn.ua
Country: UA
State: VN
City: Vinnytsia
Bandwidth: 1G
Sponsoring Organization: Vinnytsia IP-Connect -- http://ip-connect.vn.ua
Sync: 4 times (00:17, 06:17, 13:17, 19:17 -- EEST / UTC+2 ) from
Best regards,
mirror admin of ip-connect.vn.ua
ftp://ftp.itu.edu.tr/Mirror/CentOS/ does not seen in mirror list .
Please can you check http://mirror-status.centos.org/#tr and add us to
public mirrors list.
Deniz Engin
İstanbul Technical University
i would like to announce our centos.org mirror:
*URL: http://mirror.ms5.eu/centos.org
*Synchronizing every hour
*1GBit Uplink
*No traffic-limit
*Located at Duesseldorf/Germany
The mirror is provided by ms5.eu-Webhosting (http://www.ms5.eu)
Thank you for your work at CentOS!
Regards from Duesseldorf
Mike and team
getting lock file issues again, this time with centosr4
Kind regards,
Anthony Somerset
Somerset Technical Solutions Ltd.
Registered in the UK – Company no. 07738444
VAT Registration No: 140 6916 22
T: +44 (0) 33 0088 2751
E: anthony(a)somersettechsolutions.co.uk
PGP: 0x7C892BF5
Begin forwarded message:
> From: root(a)mirror.stshosting.co.uk (Cron Daemon)
> Subject: Cron <mirror@mirror> /srv/mirror/centos.sh
> Date: 21 February 2013 18:30:02 GMT+02:00
> To: mirror(a)mirror.stshosting.co.uk
> No Mirror Process Detected
> Mirror Started at: Thu Feb 21 16:30:01 GMT 2013
> msync.CentOS.org rsync service (centosr4)
> ---------------------------------------
> This service is intended for the sole use of the CentOS worldwide mirror network
> to synchronize mirrors.
> Unless you are running or intending to run a listed public CentOS mirror
> use a mirror listed at http://www.CentOS.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=13
> If you intend to populate a mirror for public use please read the
> notes at :- http://www.CentOS.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=15
> If you do use this service then it is implied that you are providing a
> mirror for public use and giving us authority to publicise such mirror.
> @ERROR: failed to open lock file
> rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1524) [Receiver=3.0.7]
> Mirror Ended at: Thu Feb 21 16:30:02 GMT 2013