Hello. I'd like to submit my new mirror to the directory.
http://centos.someimage.com/ sponsored by "SomeImage Image Hosting" at
http://someimage.com located in Colorado, USA
The bandwidth available is 10gbps, though the maximum throughput is
around 150MB/s due to HDD transfer limitations. Basically it's fast.
- Mike
I´ve setup a new Mirror in Jakarta, Indonesia. Please add to the public list.
Here is the detail:
URL of mirror: http://mirror.smartmedia.net.id/centos
Supported access methods: http & ftp. (rsync will be available soon)
Mirror location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Contact email address : mirror(a)smartmedia.net.id
Update frequency: Every 12 hrs (2 times)
Approximate bandwidth: 100Mbit
Sponsor: Smart Media Pratama, PT.
Andy Pradhana
Smart Media Pratama, PT
Internet Service Provider
Jakarta - Indonesia
Can you please update the mirror URL to point to the following
Will point the old url to the new one.
mirror is IPv4 and IPv6 enabled
http: http://centos.mirror.net.in/centos/
versions: all
arch: all
dvd downloads: yes
synced: 4 times a day
located in: Mumbai, India
bandwidth: 4 gbps
sponsoring organization: Honesty Net Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd
url of sponsor: http://www.hns.net.in
Ripunjay Bararia
Honesty Net Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd
Mumbai, INDIA
Ripunjay Bararia
Director - Technical
Honesty Net Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd
Mumbai, INDIA
Can you remove the FTP and Rsync entries for Adeste Global? The addresses that should be removed are:
Our HTTP Centos mirror is still running and can be left up.
Hi There.
I sent an email about our mirror to be added to the CentOS site, can someone
please kindly respond?
" Hi Guys,
Please find our mirror on http://centos.hyve.com/6.3 etc - this is just
rsync'ing now
Cron is setup to run every 6 hours
We are from London/United Kingdom/Europe - we have no bandwidth cap and 1GBE
Name of company: Cloud Hosting by Hyve
URL: http://www.hyve.com/cloud-hosting
Can you please kindly add us. We use CentOS on 99% of our Linux cloud
servers and love it.
Best regards,
Jon Lucas
<http://www.hyve.com/> http://www.hyve.com/images/hyve_logo_email_sig.gif
t: 0800 612 2524
e: <mailto:accounts@hyve.com> sales(a)hyve.com
w: <http://www.hyve.com/> www.hyve.com
Reg No. 04239352 | VAT Reg No. 798820566 | Registered as Hyve Ltd. in
England and Wales
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