please add a new mirror:
HTTP: http://mirror.t-home.mk/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwidth: 1Gbit
Location: Macedonia, Europe
Sponsor: Macedonian Telecom
Sponsor URL: http://www.t-home.mk
IP to authorize:
Email contact: mirroradmin(a)telekom.mk
Thank you.
Напомена: Информациите содржани во оваа електронска порака можат да бидат ДОВЕРЛИВИ и ПРИВИЛЕГИРАНИ и тие се наменети за користење само од страна на примателот (-ите) наведени погоре. Доколку читателот на оваа порака не е лицето на кое таа му е наменета, Ве информираме дека какво било ширење, дистрибуирање или умножување на оваа комуникација, или кој било дел од нејзината содржина, е строго забрането. Доколку сте ја примиле оваа порака по грешка, Ве молиме да ја препратите до испраќачот и да ја избришете оригиналната порака и сите нејзини копии од Вашиот компјутерски систем.
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We realized that we are not listed as one of the official mirror on
We are reachable from all locations through FTP and HTTP. Please check our
avaiblity and if you got any issue, please forward us details and your
comments (if possible).
HTTP: http://ftp.itu.edu.tr
FTP: ftp://ftp.itu.edu.tr
RSync schedule: Every 24 hrs
RSync Addres: msync-dvd.centos.org
Location: TR, Istanbul
Email contact: mirror_centos(a)itu.edu.tr <mailto:mirror_centos@itu.edu.tr>
Note: We are aware that service isn't reachable through FTP over IPv6, we
are working on it.
Anıl Ülgen
Istanbul Technical University - IT Department
Hash: SHA1
FYI ...
- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror-announce] CentOS 5.11 is coming to town ...
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 11:37:24 +0000
From: Fabian Arrotin <arrfab(a)centos.org>
Reply-To: centos-mirror(a)centos.org
To: centos-mirror-announce(a)centos.org <centos-mirror-announce(a)centos.org>
On 19/09/14 08:16, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> Hi Mirrors Admins,
> As you probably know, CentOS 5.11 is now being built/produced. So
> expect to see some traffic when it will be released (when the whole
> tree/isos will land on your mirror, and when people will then start
> downloading/rsyncing from your mirror.
> Just to let you know also that (to be confirmed though) expected
> size is ~35Gb. After some time we'll remove the 5.10 folder and
> will archive it to vault.centos.org, so you'll get back that 35Gb
> space.
> If you have questions, feel free to discuss that on the
> centos-mirror list, or in #centos-mirror, on irc.freenode.net
> Kind Regards,
Just to let you know that we've now opened the 5.11 tree to all
external mirrors, so expect some network traffic on your mirror.
Kind Regards,
CentOS-mirror-announce mailing list
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
Good Morning,
I have a doubt, can anyone give me strength.
Finished configuring all your content synchronized mirror, but the
mirror-but status.centos.org site stating this as "the team", and
already does some 16hrs, what should I do? what might be missing?
My mirror is: centos.brnet.net.br
Bruno Thomaz
Hi guys,
I'm having problems with my mirror, already concludes sinconização
packages, the hours and I'm all updated, but but the status of the
mirroring CentOS only pointing this "no time", what should I do?
Bruno Thomaz
Hi friends of the CentOS community,
follows the information from my mirror.
HTTP: http://centos.brnet.net.br/centos/
FTP: ftp://centos.brnet.net.br/centos/
RSYNC: rsync://centos.brnet.net.br/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 1 hrs
Bandwidth: 100 Mbps
Location: Bom Retiro do Sul, RS, Brazil
Sponsor: BRNet Telecomunicações LTDA.
Sponsor URL: http://www.brnet.com.br
IP to authorize:
Email contact: suporte(a)brnet.com.br
Bruno Thomaz