I wanted to ask the list for some feedback on how to handle potential
abuse of a mirror. I noticed the following activity:
[root@centos4 17:22:47] ~ cat
/var/log/nginx/centos4.zswap.net.access.log | grep -i firefox | grep | wc -l
After some googling, The IP address is owned by a particular business,
but I've redacted it here, to respect their privacy. Whilst it wouldn't
be outrageous to have many systems running behind a NAT'd IP address
needing updates, 935k requests for the firefox RPM seems a little over
the top.
How do you all handle these kinds of things? Block their IP, reach out
to them, or some other method?
I'd like to prevent this kind of activity, but not sure on the best
approach to take. Obviously if I block them from my mirror, the behavior
would most likely move over to someone else's.