I own a dedicated server, providing a few personnal services, and
freshly configured to act as a CentOS mirror.
It's http://centos.quelquesmots.fr/
No BW cap, 150mbps.
It’s connected to Iliad/Free.fr network, located in DC3,
Vitry-sur-Seine, 61 rue Julian Grimau.
Sync happens every 6 hours from eu-msync.centos.org::CentOS
I’ll be glad if you could add it to mirror list.
Feel free to contact me if you need any changes in conf or sync, or
find any problem with it.
Keep up the good work,
PS: It of course runs CentOS ;)
Here are new CentOS public mirror located at RU/Moscow
Server have 1 GB connection to the public Internet and syncing each 4
hours from master.
Mirror installed by RosBusinessConsulting (http://www.rbc.ru)
technical contacts available via centos-mirrors-list(a)rbc.ru
Could you, please, add this mirror to the list ?
Thank you!
With best regards
Is it possible to increase priority to clients on the same ASN as
yourself? Since I have done this for my Fedora mirror on the same host, my
uploads have tripled and clients are receiving data faster.
Just let me know if its possible to list your ASN anywhere, if only mirror
admins can change this please list mine at http://mirror.redsox.cc to
Hash: SHA1
Please remove our (AAISP's) http://mirror.for.me.uk/centos/ from the
mirror list.
We need to turn off the mirror for the foreseeable future :-(
We'll leave it online until it's removed from the list.
Thanks in advance.
- --
James Beck
Andrews & Arnold Ltd
Tel: 03333 400999
Version: GnuPG v2
I have just set up a new CentOS mirror in Poland. Yes, I know, there are
already several, but some of them have rather poor connectivity. This one
should be pretty responsive. It is a dedicated physical server already hosting
mirrors of Ubuntu and Debian.
HTTP: http://ftp.agh.edu.pl/pub/centos
FTP: ftp://ftp.agh.edu.pl/pub/centos
Sync schedule: Every 12 h
Bandwidth: 1 Gb/s
Location: PL
Sponsor: AGH University of Science and Technology
Sponsor URL: http://www.agh.edu.pl
IP to authorize:
Email contact: hostmaster(a)agh.edu.pl
Szymon Sokół (SS316-RIPE) -- Network Manager B
Computer Center, AGH - University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland O
http://home.agh.edu.pl/szymon/ PGP key id: RSA: 0x2ABE016B, DSS: 0xF9289982 F
Free speech includes the right not to listen, if not interested -- Heinlein H
Please new server mirror from Indonesia
HTTP: http://centos. <http://centos.muzzy.org.uk/>dionipe.web.id
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwith: 1 Gbps / Sec
Location: Indonesia
Sponsoring Organization : PT. Orion Cyber Internet
Email contact: me at dionipe.web.id & dionipe at gmail.com
Best regard,
-= dionipe =-
Hello guys i wonder to add my mirror to CentOS mirror list, my uplink is
100Mbit and traffic is unlimited. For my hometown and region(Siberia) speed
is quite good.
HTTP: http://mirror.digitalhusky.com/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 1 hr
Bandwidth: 100Mbit
Location: RU, Siberia
Sponsor: Eugene Kirillov
Sponsor URL: http://www.digitalhusky.com
IP to authorize:
Email contact: fleurdeviande(a)gmail.com
Great day,
Eugene Kirillov