May i know how long our mirrors will appear in mirrors list page ?
From: Nghia Than [mailto:trungnghia@vhost.vn]
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 8:48 PM
To: 'Ralph Angenendt'; 'centos-mirror(a)centos.org'
Cc: 'johnny(a)centos.org'; 'tru(a)centos.org'; 'huuphuc(a)vhost.vn'
Subject: RE: Public mirrors with CentOS
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for your reply,
As previous email our mirrors server has been setup done. Here's our mirror
Link: http://mirrors.vhost.vn
Country: Viet Nam (VN)
LAN port: 1Gbps
Bandwidth cap: 1Gbps
rsync: 4 time per day (1 */4 * * * rsync -aqzH --delay-updates --delete
msync.centos.org::CentOS /home/centos/public_html/)
May i know the time when this mirrors appear on centos dot org ?
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Angenendt [mailto:ralph@centos.org]
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 7:40 PM
To: Nghia Than
Cc: johnny(a)centos.org; tru(a)centos.org; huuphuc(a)vhost.vn
Subject: Re: Public mirrors with CentOS
Nghia Than wrote:
> Hello,
> According announcement at link:
> http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=22 but i do not
> the email to provide information about our mirrors list. So what email i
> have to write to ?
We expect people who run mirrors to be subscribed to the CentOS mirror
mailing list <http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror> -
and you send your mirror information to that list. After you did that it
can take a few days to add the machine to our mirror list.
Does that answer your questions?
We are mirroring centos in Iran.
Protocols: http
Location: Asia / Iran / Tehran
Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
Version: All
Architecture: All
Direct DVD Download: Yes
Organisation: http://iransamaneh.com (Web application development and
web hosting)
Email: admin(a)iranmirror.ir
Adel Khaleghi
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for your reply,
As previous email our mirrors server has been setup done. Here's our mirror
Link: http://mirrors.vhost.vn
Country: Viet Nam (VN)
LAN port: 1Gbps
Bandwidth cap: 1Gbps
rsync: 4 time per day (1 */4 * * * rsync -aqzH --delay-updates --delete
msync.centos.org::CentOS /home/centos/public_html/)
May i know the time when this mirrors appear on centos dot org ?
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Angenendt [mailto:ralph@centos.org]
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 7:40 PM
To: Nghia Than
Cc: johnny(a)centos.org; tru(a)centos.org; huuphuc(a)vhost.vn
Subject: Re: Public mirrors with CentOS
Nghia Than wrote:
> Hello,
> According announcement at link:
> http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=22 but i do not
> the email to provide information about our mirrors list. So what email i
> have to write to ?
We expect people who run mirrors to be subscribed to the CentOS mirror
mailing list <http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror> -
and you send your mirror information to that list. After you did that it
can take a few days to add the machine to our mirror list.
Does that answer your questions?
Hi! I would like to setup a centos mirror but only with centos 6 data.
Would be enough to use http://eu-msync.centos.org/centos-6 ?
is it ok a command like:
rsync -avSH --delay-updates --delete $remote_dir $mirror_dir
where remote-dir is rsync://eu-msync.centos.org/centos-6 ?
is there a way to use a http mechanism? (i imagine that
eu-msync.centos.org is an alias to the closest mirror and most often the
http is used and less rsync)
Adrian Sevcenco, Ph.D. |
Institute of Space Science - ISS, Romania |
adrian.sevcenco at {cern.ch,spacescience.ro} |
Hello Since about 1 month mirror selection stopped to use my mirror for downloading updates (all servers are in the single AS).The selector uses mirror from USA which are very, very slow. I live in Poland and I run public mirror (http://mirror.kielcetechnologypark.net/centos) for CentOS. I'm wondering how the mirror selection works. Can some one explain it to me ?
Pozdrawiam / Best Regards
Sebastian Sala
IThelper.pl - Sebastian Sala
ul.Zalesie 59
25-825 Kielce
NIP: 959-156-29-11
mob. +48 506 991 246
e-mail: biuro(a)ithelper.pl
URL www.ithelper.pl
Hi guys,
I've set up a mirror for the CentOS operating system, details below:
URL: http://centos.mirror.crcrepairs.com/
Sync: 4 times a day: 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00
Server Location: France (Roubaix)
Speed: 1Gbps (guaranteed 200 Mbps, burstable)
Bandwidth cap: none
Hosting organisation: CRCRepairs.com (http://crcrepairs.com)
Best contact email: chris(a)rowarth.co.uk (email used for list)
At some point I will add FTP access, within the coming weeks. Am I missing any details?
Hash: SHA1
Hello there,
Why our mirror status still on red? If I see on the timestamp here
http://mirror.rndc.or.id/centos/timestamp.txt, the content are valid :
- --
Thu Dec 5 04:48:01 UTC 2013
- --
Any hints?
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