New mirror in São Paulo, Brazil:
HTTP only
All versions, All archs, *ISO's excluded
Bandwidth: 1Gbps
Sync: every 6 hours
Contact email: mirror(a)xpg.com.br
Organization: XPG (http://www.xpg.com.br)
Carlos Arce
Hi, I set up a new mirror at http://mirror.premi.st/centos/
Currently this mirror syncs 5 times a day (every 4.8 hours) from msync.centos.org::CentOS.
Location of server is Republic of Korea (Asia/Seoul).
Network bandwidth is 100Mbps.
Organization name is Premist, and organization website is http://premi.st/ (currently redirects to http://si.mpli.st)
Minku Lee
Blog: http://si.mpli.st/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/premist
Bandwidth: 1Gbps
Odesláno: 5. listopadu 2013 8:08
To: centos-mirror(a)centos.org
Předmět: New Czech Mirror
Hi we setup new CentOS Public mirror in Czech Replublic CZ
Location: Czech Republic (Prague) CZ
Synchronization: Every 6 hour
What to synchronize: ALL
bandwidth: Unlimited
Protocol: HTTP
Sponzored by HEXAGEEK s.r.o. http://www.hexageek.com
not sure where else to ask this but getting the following error list on
centos 6 machines after i run yum clean all upgrade
Kind regards,
Anthony Somerset
Somerset Technical Solutions Ltd.
Registered in the UK – Company no. 07738444
VAT Registration No: 140 6916 22
T: +44 (0) 33 0088 2751
E: anthony(a)somersettechsolutions.co.uk
PGP: 0x7C892BF5
I'm having problems with the Centos 6 Updates primary.sqlite.bz2 file
today. I hope this is the correct list to report this to.
$ bunzip2 -t
83126d8c763e8bb681c7f11cc25bab255b053d8cbd4228035ea146254bf74624-primary.sqlite.bz2: data integrity (CRC) error in data
I am using rsync to keep a local mirror up to date. I've pointed at a
different mirror and get the same file, so it appears that the master
server is at fault.
I assume there is nothing to be done except wait until the next sync
cycle, but I thought I'd make people aware.
senior software build and release engineer
twitter @MessageSystems
tel 410-872-4910 x239
email john.peacock(a)messagesystems.com
Hi we setup new CentOS Public mirror in Czech Replublic CZ
Location: Czech Republic (Prague) CZ
Synchronization: Every 6 hour
What to synchronize: ALL
bandwidth: Unlimited
Protocol: HTTP
Sponzored by HEXAGEEK s.r.o. http://www.hexageek.com
We set up a new mirror in Lyon. It's available here :
- FTP: ftp://ftp.rezopole.net/centos/
- HTTP: http://ftp.rezopole.net/centos/
- rsync: ftp.rezopole.net::centos
It's hosted in Lyon, France, using a 1Gb connexion. We rsync each hour.
Our organisation's name is Rezopole, the website is available at
If there is any problem, please contact us at sysadm(a)rezopole.net.
Best regards,
Brice Lopez
Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux - Rezopole/LyonIX
Mail: blopez(a)rezopole.net
Standard: +33 4 27 46 00 50
Fax: +33 4 27 46 00 51
PGP: BEB5 F038 F4A9 0E85 A8AB 8FD6 67A3 871E FF7F 6DC9
Skype: brice.rezopole
Agenda Rezopole : http://tinyurl.com/adr54wz
Réseaux | Twit : http://tiny.cc/pz1s7 | FB : http://tiny.cc/kbgku
& News | LKDin : http://tiny.cc/kbgku | Via : http://tiny.cc/32059
Request To Be Public Mirror
We are interested in becoming a public CentOS HTTP and FTP mirror.
We finished the initial sync and set up a cron job to run rsync job 4 times per day (50 */6 * * * GMT+3) with eu-msync.centos.org::CentOS.
The server is located in Bucuresti, Romania (RO)with a bandwidth cap of 10 Gbps.
The name of the sponsoring organization is Romtelecom , url:
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Nicusor Munteanu | nicusor.munteanu(a)romtelecom.ro<mailto:nicusor.munteanu@romtelecom.ro>
Acest mesaj si orice fisiere sau documente atasate contin informatii confidentiale, clasificate conform regulilor interne ROMTELECOM. Mesajul este destinat doar persoanei sau entitatii adresate si altora autorizati sa-l primeasca. Daca dvs. nu sunteti in aceasta situatie, prin aceasta va informam ca orice dezvaluire, copiere, distribuire sau orice alta actiune bazata pe continutul acestor informatii este strict interzisa si pot fi aplicate sanctiuni, potrivit legii. Daca ati primit acest mesaj din greseala, va rugam sa ne informati imediat si sa stergeti mesajul din sistemul dvs. De asemenea, va rugam sa tineti cont ca transmisia nu poate fi garantata ca fiind sigura sau fara erori. Va multumim!
Hi CentosAdmins,
We have setup a public mirror in Melbourne, Australia and would like to be added to your public mirror list.
Mirror Details :
HTTP - http://mirror.rackcentral.com.au/centos
FTP - ftp://mirror.rackcentral.com.au/centos
RSYNC - rsync://mirror.rackcentral.com.au/centos
If there are any further requirements to be met, please get in touch.
Kind Regards
Shaun McGuane
Message protected by RackCentral: e-mail anti-virus, anti-spam and content filtering.