I've been experience repeated apache hangs. I've had to temporarily
disable this mirror while I diagnose. I will re-enable it as soon as
E-Mail: digimer(a)alteeve.com
AN!Whitepapers: http://alteeve.com
Node Assassin: http://nodeassassin.org
http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=32 claims
that in Malaysia IP ServerOne Solutions Sdn Bhd (
http://www.ipserverone.com/ ) carries DVD isos, but they do not. Can
this be fixed ( either by the mirror maintainers by really providing the
DVD isos or by the mirror page by replacing "yes" with "no" in the
"Direct DVD download" field ) please ?
While I was scanning some tier-1 mirrors for ISOs, I noticed that
mirror.team-cymru.org/CentOS is listed here as carrying the DVDs.
However, I was unable to find any DVD isos on this mirror, either in the old
5.3 and 5.4 directories, or the currently active 5.5 and 5.6 directories.
Is this mirror supposed to carry DVDs?
I help maintain a private mirror for my company. I recently found out that
our mirror is still carrying CentOS DVD ISOs for 5.3 and 5.4. I deleted
them, and my next rsync (from mirrors.kernel.org) brought them back.
I sampled a few of the other tier-1 mirrors (constraints: providing DVDs and
RSYNC access, and first few on the mirror list) and found that:
* mirrors.kernel.org has 5.3 & 5.4 DVD isos.
* mirror.ncsa.illinois.edu has 5.3 and 5.4 DVD isos.
* mirror.steadfast.net has 5.3 and 5.4 DVD isos
* centos.mirror.netriplex.com has 5.3 and 5.4 DVD isos
Is there any reason to still keep these around? Can they be deleted from
tehse mirrors (or the master mirrors) or should I modify my rsync scripts
I send you request for Public Mirror EU, we did setup everzthing per
EU Croatia WMD Hosting ( http://wmd.hr ) All All no HTTP
Ilija Đivić
Since we moved to a new DC we decided to start a cluster of mirrors.
Currently our first run is complete and we will add more version later on.
HTTP: http:// <http://mirror.duomenucentras.lt/centos/>centos.wickedway.nl
Update Frequency: every 12 hours
Versions: 2, 3, 4 (5 comming in a week orso)
Server Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Bandwidth available: for now 100Mbit/s going to 10 Gbit's in a week
Contact email: huib at wickedway . nl
Sponsoring Organization: WickedWay Webhosting
Sponsor URL: <http://www.balticservers.com/>http://www.wickedway.nl
Best regards,
Huib Laurens
CTO WickedWay
It appears from my side of the internet that "" hasn't been
responding reliably:
us-msync.centos.org: - Fri Apr 15 12:05:06 EDT 2011
rsync: failed to connect to Connection timed out (110)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(107)
us-msync.centos.org: - Mon Apr 18 12:05:04 EDT 2011
rsync: failed to connect to Connection timed out (110)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(107)