Dear cAos maintainer,
We plan to conduct periodic inspections
of electrical facilities in our institute
at 23/Oct/2005 9:00-17:30 +0900(JST).
Because of this conduct, it will be outage.
So server will be shutdown around 7:00.
You can not access our server all that time.
We plan to start our server around 21:00.
- Date :23/Oct/2005 7:00-21:00 +0900(JST)
- Reason:periodic inspection of electrical facilities in our institute
Best regards.
NARA Institute of Science and Technology
NAIST FTP server administrator
We are going to be securing rsync on the msync (also us-msync and eu-
msync) mirrors to allow us to push the CentOS-4.2 tree to all the
mirrors and get them up and running. This will probably happen about 2
hours from now.
We are trying this method to minimize the time that mirrors are out of
date with unusable yum configurations.
Also, if you upgrade your rsync on your mirror to > 2.6.4 (you can get
that from dag's repo) then you can use the "--delay-updates" option to
minimize the time your mirror has unusable yum metadata.
As soon as all the servers are back on line, I will make an announcement
on this list again.
Johnny Hughes
Tom wrote:
> onlist would be good cos I have some space & BW that I can offer in AU.
> Sam Drinkard wrote:
>> What would be the minimum requirements for a mirror for the CentOS
>> distributions? I've got some resources that I might be able to
>> utilize to help out. Can someone respond to me offline where we can
>> discuss?
If you are looking to mirror the entire CentOS Public Mirror you need
about 60 Gigs of storage, The requirements jump a bit when there is a
new release since we will have both tree's for a few days ( eg. 4.1 and
4.2 are both live at the moment ), we will take 4.1 off soon.
There are somethings that we dont distribute out to public mirrors,
purely for the sake of disk space usage. This includes : Beta / Testing
versions of the distro's ( ), debuginfo and
deprecated pkgs + tree's ( and we also dont
distribute DVD .iso images out ( only available via bittorrent )
- K
Hi all,
Unfortunately, as a private web server renter, due to disk space
constraints I can not afford to support a CentOS mirror any longer.
Thanks for the support and the experience. I'll look for other ways
that I can help out CentOS.
It's been a fun ride.
Shawn M. Jones
Due to the increase in space that CentOS is taking up, I've had to split
the mirror across two hard drives.
Any suggestions on how I would structure the rsync commands to
facilitate this?
Shawn M. Jones
Hi, has address has address
Are not reachable on port 80/TCP, servers which resolve to this mirrors
can't sync. Am i alone to notice that ?
It appears there is a looping symlink in the centos/4 directory, as shown
# ls -l /mirror/centos/4/HEADER.images/
total 24
-rw-rw-r-- 2 distro distro 4734 Apr 19 22:00 centos_icon_60.png
-rw-rw-r-- 2 distro distro 14815 Apr 19 22:00 centos_logo_45.png
lrwxrwxrwx 1 distro distro 14 Sep 27 22:01 HEADER.html -> ../HEADER.html
lrwxrwxrwx 1 distro distro 16 Sep 27 22:01 HEADER.images
-> ../HEADER.images
You can see this on other mirrors as well:
Douglas E. Warner <dwarner(a)> Network Engineer
CTI Networks, Inc. +1 717 975 9000
Hi guys,
CentOS 4.2 will be released in the next couple of days time, this is
just a heads up - the following tree's will be released initially:
Source Code ( SRPMS )
There will be a short lag ( 7 days ) before the 4.1 tree is removed
completely, so you might want to make sure there is enough space on the
mirrors to handle the extra pkgs.
Also, ensure that you are running rsync with the -H option so hardlinks
are handled properly.
- K
Karanbir Singh : : 2522219@icq
yesterday,i found my raid is corruption,today,the raid is lose,so sorry everybody.
all data is lost.....
in the next few day,i will going to join a road bicycle match,so my mirror site( is
not come back soon.... :(