On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 4:25 PM, Marten Lehmann lehmann@cnm.de wrote:
I'm currently getting updates for our mirror from msync.centos.org::CentOS but when I wanted to use a DVD-iso, I noticed that O only get files like CentOS-5.3-x86_64-bin-DVD.torrent, but no DVD iso. I checked the archive and found others using msync.centos.org::CentOS-incdvd, but I get
@ERROR: Unknown module 'CentOS-incdvd'
using it. Which master rsync server can I use that includes DVD isos instead of BitTorrent links?
At the moment none of the msyncs, but we have a few new machines to add to the DVD pool. Give us a bit of time for a decision, though.
I can offer you centos.bio.lmu.de for rsyncing the dvd isos.
rsync://centos.bio.lmu.de/CentOS/ -> and then down into the iso dirs ...