This has to be a troll... I only been subscribed for a day, and the two requests that have come in are both Of course my sample size is small, but an interesting trend.
Stop by yyyyyooooouuuuurrrrrrsssssseeeeeelllllllffffffffffffffff
>> ------------------------------**--
On 9/18/12, Barış Atalay <> wrote:
> Stop sending me message,please.
> Barış
> 2012/9/18 Roberto R. Morelli <>
>> That is how I feel. This is for people that run mirrors, if they run a
>> mirror, be on the list. If you do not run a mirror, get off the same way
>> you joined. So much worthless chatter for no reason at all.
>> All the information to unsubscribe is in the email header and footer of
>> all messages, yet they can not see it, but know how to bug the entire
>> community. If these folks are also running mirrors, heaven helps us all,
>> explains a lot !
>> Cheers,
>> -R
>> --On September 18, 2012 7:32:36 AM +0800 Christopher Meng <
>>> wrote:
>> I also feel confused.
>>> Why did these people subscribe the list of their own long time ago?
>>> They can subscribe, why can't unsubscribe?
>> --
>> Roberto R. Morelli--
>> Energy Sciences Network
>> Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
>> 510-486-7255
>> PGP Key Fingerprint: F49F 1186 0E2B F591 1BF7 0538 79AA F8C7 7E8B 4562
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*Yours sincerely,*
*Christopher Meng*
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