Hi, this was the first time I read about your mirror, and I only received this message because you Cc'ed this to me. Note that the mailing list accepts emails only from subscribers. Perhaps you were not subscribed to the list when you sent the message?
In any case, the mirror has now been added, and you can now rsync from rsync://msync.centos.org/CentOS/
Nice to have a new country to the mirrorlist!
Guillermo Osorio kirjoitti 18.9.2018 klo 20.41:
Dear Anssi,
Is there a issue or problem with my installation? I've never received a response of my last email trying to setting up a mirror on my country. Do I have to do something else? Thanks in advance.
King regards.
El vie., 14 de sep. de 2018 a la(s) 11:16, Guillermo Osorio (gaompy@gmail.com) escribió:
HTTP: http://centos.mirror.py/centos/ Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs Bandwidth: 1G Location: PY Sponsor: Centro Nacional de Computación Sponsor URL: https://www.cnc.una.py IPv4 address to authorize: IPv6 address to authorize: 2001:1320:1::205 Email contact: gaompy@gmail.com Mirroring AltArch: no