we have added a CentOS mirror in our ftp server (over IPv4 and IPv6). The available http/ftp/rsync URLs are the following:
http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/centos/ ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/linux/centos/ rsync://ftp.ntua.gr/centos/
We have an 1 Gbps connection and the mirror is updated every four hours from eu-msync.centos.org. Currently, we are carrying centos 5.* (i386 and x86_64 architectures). We are located in Athens, Greece and the mirror is provided by NTUA (http://www.ntua.gr/). You could use ftpadm@ntua.gr as an alternative contact point.
We would also be interested in mirroring/providing the DVD images. Are there any special instructions (any rsync source) or should we just use the torrents?
Regards, Panagiotis