Seems this didn't get through, sorry if its a dup...
- Speaking to the apache module that auto-generates the iso on the
fly: any mirror of any reasonable size will shoot this down in a heartbeat. We already have an I/O problem on the systems, ram issues, etc. Adding something into apache that's going to thrash about and magically generate this as it's requested is *WORSE* than the wasted disk space. Again send_file() is your friend.
Possibly, perhaps even probably.
It would very likely use (a lot?) more CPU, but your working set would be smaller. So depending on how smart/memmory effective you could get the generation, you might be able to a lot higher cache hit rate, which would reduce the I/O problem.
One similar idea that might work is using loop mounted iso, if the io layer is smart enough (I have no idea whatever it is or not).
All depending on your setup of course, and where your bottleneck is.
I agree with the apache module not being feasable... On top of the fact you have additional resource usage from it you are making a huge assumtion that the mirror is running apache.
Thats why I wrote """ Or even better (for those running linux at least) - do it in the VFS layer. That way other services like rsync would benefit from it too. """
Regards, Emil