what's your want?provocation?

On 8/28/06, Zenon Panoussis <centos@provocation.net > wrote:

The mirror monitor at http://mirror-status.centos.org/ says
"taiwan, province of china". For those in politics, this might
be correct or wrong, depending on which side they stand on.
The common name of the island however, used universally except
perhaps in ROC, is plainly "Taiwan". Saying "Taiwan" does not
imply any siding with either political stance, while adding
"province of china" certainly does.

So I wonder, what's the background to this odd naming? Did CentOS
receive a nastigram from the Chinese ambassador? Did the ROC mirrors
impose conditions for mirroring? Was it just an accident at work?
Or did CentOS make a conscious decision to solve a 60-year old
problem over the heads of those affected by it?


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Michael Liang