On 2015-04-15 13:32, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
There are also 4 non centos.org nodes that are actually fetching vault content , and those have better bandwidth/machines that we do (reminder : we're using community donated dedicated servers).
I can't speak for those external mirrors, and I have zero view on their bandwidth usage/stats for vault content.
We are one of those mirrors. Over the last five months, we have used an average of slightly below 50 Mbit/s, but that is the sum of both vault and the ordinary CentOS (and EPEL, which we are also mirroring). I do have logs from all three protocols (HTTP, FTP and RSYNC), but I don't have any collected statistics of which parts of our mirrors have been accessed how much.
(And the bottleneck is neither our network, nor the server itself. We could easily handle much larger load, if people were just accessing us more. But if the light load we get is representative for what other people get, or if there is something [like geo-IP] that causes us to get so few accesses.)
OTOH, I (personally) think that vault is like giving a gun for people to shoot themselves in the foot : using deprecated/unpatched/unsecured/unmaintained packages on a distro is not what I'd consider best practice. There are a *few* corner cases where it can be handy, but those are already mirroring internally those versions, for specific usage, and don't rely on vault.centos.org
Having access to the source RPMs is very important to us. Both current and historical versions, to be able to see what has actually changed.
Having access to old versions of the binary RPMs is not quite as important (we can usually rebuild them from the source RPMs), but it is definitely convenient to see which versions were used previously and examine them. In some rare cases we may even downgrade. (For example, I think it took almost two months after CentOS 6.6 was released until we found out that IP-over-Infiniband was broken in that kernel; because it didn't actually break until you restarted the subnet manager. For a while we ran a 6.5 kernel with some security fixes from 6.6 backported; now we run a 6.6 kernel with the IPoIB stuff picked from 6.5.)
/Thomas Bellman (mirror.nsc.liu.se)