Apologies if this has been covered already but it has been a very hectic last several months.
Are there any ramifications to CentOS mirrors with the changes going with CentOS/Stream? Will things change for mirrors? Will Stream be automatically included in the mirror processes? etc.
Basically, is there anything we mirror operators need to know or do differently?
At the moment, nothing changes for CentOS Stream 8.
I noticed you have a new module just for CS9 but it seems as though the rsync command you provide might conflict with overlaying on top of the other repo:
rsync -aqzH --delete rsync.stream.centos.org::CentOS-Stream-All /path/to/local/mirror/root
I see that the top level of this module is similar to the other one:
drwxr-xr-x 4,096 2021/08/24 13:03:31 .
-rw-r--r-- 11 2022/01/18 18:00:01 TIME
-rw-r--r-- 29 2022/01/18 18:00:01 timestamp.txt
drwxr-xr-x 4,096 2021/11/09 17:37:51 9-stream
drwxrwxr-x 4,096 2021/09/15 12:45:16 SIGs
I don't really see any clear documentation on how mirror admins should handle this? What's the recommendation? I imagine we don't want to set up a separate folder just for CS9.... Could you please clear this up?
Also, it seems as though the OSUOSL is no longer setup in MirrorManager! I'm getting that fixed now. We had an account long ago but it must have gotten purged at some point.
Lance AlbertsonDirector
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab