We moved the mirror http://www.cubiculestudio.com/centos to http://centos.cubiculestudio.com. We will keep the old one until end of august or until the url is changed on the centos website.
It's a 500Mbps with burst to 1Gbps without any data cap
Sync at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00, like the old one.
Philippe Havard, ing. jr
Toll-Free: 1-855-360-1365
Montreal: 1-514-360-1365
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From: "Philippe Havard" <phil@cubiculestudio.com>
To: centos-mirror@centos.org
Sent: Jeudi 6 Septembre 2012 16:42:03
Subject: new mirror montreal, canada
We added a new mirror in Montreal, Canada here:
It's a 100Mbps with 20Tb/month
Sync at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00
Company name: Cubicule Studio inc.
website: http://www.cubiculestudio.com
Philippe Havard B. Ing
Toll-Free: 1-855-360-1365
Montreal: 1-514-360-1365
Ce courriel et toute information qui y est jointe sont
confidentiels et peuvent être assujettis au secret
professionnel. Si vous l'avez reçu par inadvertance,
détruisez-le et communiquez avec nous.
This e-mail and any information enclosed are confidential and
can be subject to professional secrecy. If you received it by
mistake, destroy it and communicate with us.