We are glad to announce that we have put up a new mirror server, and like to announce the machine.
Server name...........: mirror.muntinternet.net
Server admin..........: mirror@muntinternet.net.
Server location.......: Amsterdam/The Netherlands
Server address........: mirror.muntinternet.net
Server IP.............: / 2a00:f80:6::66
Server protocol.......: ftp/http/rsync
Server max connection.: 1024
Connection speed......: 2Gbit
Server prefix.........: pub/centos
Kind regards,
Arjen Heidinga
Arjen Heidinga
MuntInternet Networks B.V. Sneek
T:+31(0)20-7169710 http://www.muntinternet.nl
F:+31(0)20-7169750 support@MuntInternet.nl
Kvk:01079173 te Leeuwarden BTW:NL819219575B01
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