On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Jim Goddard <jgoddard@gmi-mr.com> wrote:
repodata/36225ff5aa964e9fd025d55b9b76fbf9e1d5fbf2f0412dfdbd63981ae4172c03-filelists.sqlite.bz2 from updates: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Indeed this file was missing.
I am fairly new to this process, but this has me stumped. Here is the
rsync command I have been using in a cron job running every 6 hours:
echo "Updating CentOS repository"
rsync -vazH4 --bwlimit=6250
--exclude-from=/usr/local/gmi/centos_repo_rsync.excludes --numeric-ids
--delete --delete-after --delay-updates
rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/centos /var/www/html/centos