it depends on Ralh's availability sometimes a few days, some times 2 weeks or more

you should really use a script that creates a lock file, because occasionally a centos msync server gets stuck and your rsync will stall, a lock script will prevent multiple rsync jobs running at the same time and can also email notify you of issues (if you configure it right)

something like this might be a good start:

Kind regards,  
Anthony Somerset 
Somerset Technical Solutions Ltd. 
Registered in the UK – Company no. 07738444 
VAT Registration No: 140 6916 22
T: +44 (0) 33 0088 2751 
PGP: 0x7C892BF5

On 31 Dec 2013, at 07:31, Nghia Than <> wrote:

May i know how long our mirrors will appear in mirrors list page ?
From: Nghia Than [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 8:48 PM
To: 'Ralph Angenendt'; ''
Cc: ''; ''; ''
Subject: RE: Public mirrors with CentOS
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for your reply,
As previous email our mirrors server has been setup done. Here's our mirror information:
Country: Viet Nam (VN)
LAN port: 1Gbps
Bandwidth cap: 1Gbps
rsync: 4 time per day (1 */4 * * * rsync -aqzH --delay-updates --delete /home/centos/public_html/)
May i know the time when this mirrors appear on centos dot org ?
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Angenendt [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2013 7:40 PM
To: Nghia Than
Subject: Re: Public mirrors with CentOS
Nghia Than wrote:
> Hello,
> According announcement at link:
> the email to provide information about our mirrors list. So what email i
> have to write to ?
We expect people who run mirrors to be subscribed to the CentOS mirror
and you send your mirror information to that list. After you did that it
can take a few days to add the machine to our mirror list.
Does that answer your questions?
CentOS-mirror mailing list