On Oct 14, 2016, at 3:31 PM, Anssi Johansson centos@miuku.net wrote:
14.10.2016, 11.59, Adam Števko kirjoitti:
we have setup a new mirror for our internal purposes, but we want to make it available for outside world.
Hi, looks like there are some problems at least with CentOS 5 content. For example http://mirror.ynet.sk/centos/5.11/os/x86_64/CentOS/ and http://mirror.ynet.sk/centos/5.11/updates/i386/repodata/ are empty.
Please make sure you don't get any errors when syncing and that you don't exclude any content.
I excluded centos 5 and 6 content. I will add it then.
Cheers, Adam