On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 11:15 AM, John R. Dennison <jrd@gerdesas.com> wrote:
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 09:58:59PM -0400, Randy McAnally wrote:
> Anyone else seeing dismal speeds from multiple .edu mirrors?  Over the past
> few days?  Several .edu mirrors over the past week have been running at
> 3kB/sec - 50kB/sec forcing me to have to clean my yum cache just to get
> through the update process.  Latest .edu offender at 3kB/sec is
> mirror.vcu.edu.  Even yum thinks it's a fast mirror for some reason.

       vcu.edu has been attrocious for quite some time now; in fact
       I've had it blocked from various colo'd boxes since at least
       August 1st.


This is just a kindergarten-educated guess for my region and totally uninformed and un-educated ones for the neighboring countries. Don't go to the bank with this information.

For Malaysia, for most of its popular ISPs, the peering is fastest through Singapore, Australia and USA-West Coast.  Frequently, speeds from these mirrors are the fastest.  Yet, Malaysian client-updates are going to a local mirror first (which is very congested), Indonesia next (which is mind-boggling) then Singapore (which should be second-tier) and Australia beign at the bottom.

Local mirrors here frequently received update requests from clients originating from countries whose ISP peering are somewhat less nominal - Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and sometimes Bangladesh. Examining the mirrorlist.centos.org shows local mirrors here are being listed in those countries' list at somewhat higher priority compared to those known to be better peered.

I'd say we need to examine the local peering and advise the mirror-administrators, them whom manage mirrorlist.centos.org to change the order of preference for neighbouring countries mirrors-list.

Check it out - http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=5&arch=x86_64&repo=os&cc=<your country code eg. my>
