We're change hostname(s) ... for our mirror site(s),
New hostnames are http://centos.mirror.gnu.fi/
and for AltAtrch, http://centos-altarch.mirror.gnu.fi/
IP's are staying same.
br, Pekka J.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Pekka Jalonen pekka.jalonen@mmail.fi Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2018 at 16:11 Subject: New public mirror, Finland To: centos-mirror@centos.org
HTTP: http://centos.mirror.telnet.fi/
Sync schedule: Every 4 hrs Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Location: Finland Sponsor: intternet.org Sponsor URL: http://www.intternet.org IPv4 address to authorize: IPv6 address to authorize: 2a01:4f9:2a:8e4::2 Email contact: centos-mirror@zmail.fi Mirroring AltArch : no