I have prepared server for mirror of current centos version, please send me URL of your upper Tier server for european region - current servers are loaded and it's very hard to us to keep everything in sync, next day mirroring will be done and you can add it to your public list.
If you have automatic redirection system like GeoIP and etc. please automatically forward GE country clients to this server, but, if possible, don't make it public for non-GE countries - our non-local connection speed is limited and foreign countries will not get any advantages with our bandwidth,
Thank you!
Server name: alva.ge
Server admin: George Machitidze giomac@gmail.com
Server location: GE, Georgia (CAUCASUS, not US)
Server address: mirror.alva.ge
Server IP pool:
Server protocol: http, ftp
Server max. conn: No limits - estimated server load is minor
Connection speed: Global - limited, up to 50 mbit/s, Local to Georgia - assume unlimited (now 1 gbps, in future - 4 gbps)
Server prefix: protocol://mirror.alva.ge/pub/centos/
Update frequency: four times per day