
this ip is from SOFTLAYER, softlayer has servers in mexico but is not peering with mexican providers in order to save some money, all traffic going to softlayer is routed thought dallas.

So, please delete all centos mirrors from softlayer as they are not peering in mexico
then provide me a true mexican ip so i can perform the tracert.

Here i attach a tracert from my server and from my home in mexico, BOTH are forced to go throught Dallas by $oftlayer


Traza a la dirección 54.3c.39a9.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com []
sobre un máximo de 30 saltos:

  1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms
  2     4 ms     4 ms     3 ms
  3     *        *        *     Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
  4     5 ms     5 ms    15 ms
  5    38 ms    32 ms    33 ms  9-1-2.ear3.Dallas1.Level3.net []
  6    35 ms    33 ms    35 ms  ae-2-14.edge5.Dallas3.Level3.net []
  7    33 ms    40 ms    34 ms  ae4-bbr01.eq01.dal03.networklayer.com []
  8    58 ms    57 ms    57 ms  ae0.bbr02.sr03.mex01.networklayer.com []
  9    58 ms    61 ms    58 ms  ae6.dar01.mex01.networklayer.com []
 10    59 ms    59 ms    58 ms  po1.fcr01a.mex01.networklayer.com []
 11    61 ms    61 ms    57 ms  54.3c.39a9.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com []

Traza completa.

4g network:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max
Hop 1:
    From, 107 ms

Hop 2:
    From, 57 ms

Hop 3:
    From wan-vpn-a04-0810-0408.uninet-ide.com.mx (, 37 ms

Hop 4:
    From, 47 ms

Hop 5:
    From, 47 ms

Hop 6:
    From opint-jal-ctg-51-tge0-2-1.uninet.net.mx (, 41 ms

Hop 7:
    From bb-la-grand-7-be3.uninet.net.mx (, 111 ms

Hop 8:
    From xe-0-7-0-17.r00.lsanca20.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (, 65 ms

Hop 9:
    From ae-7.r00.lsanca07.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (, 101 ms

Hop 10:
    From ae-2.r23.lsanca07.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (, 73 ms

Hop 11:
    From ae-12.r22.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (, 102 ms

Hop 12:
    From ae-19.r01.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net (, 85 ms

Hop 13:
    From ae2.bbr01.eq01.sjc02.networklayer.com (, 94 ms

Hop 14:
    From ae5.cbs02.eq01.sjc02.networklayer.com (, 2532 ms

Hop 15:
    From ae0.cbs02.cs01.lax01.networklayer.com (, 88 ms

Hop 16:
    From ae9.bbr01.cs01.lax01.networklayer.com (, 87 ms

Hop 17:
    From ae0.bbr01.sr03.mex01.networklayer.com (, 145 ms

Hop 18:
    From ae5.dar01.mex01.networklayer.com (, 146 ms

Hop 19:
    From po1.fcr01b.mex01.networklayer.com (, 156 ms

Hop 20:
    From 54.3c.39a9.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com (, 155 ms

Traceroute complete: 20 hops, time: 29693 ms

kind regards

2017-03-17 22:11 GMT-03:00 Anssi Johansson <avij@centosproject.org>:
18.3.2017, 2.05, Mach Host kirjoitti:
yes, please provide me a mexican host and i will send you the tracert

For starters, you could try a traceroute to Please also provide the average ping time from your mirror to that IP address.

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