Hi for some reason I am still getting an error:

[root@centos-mirrors ~]# ./rsync-verbose.sh

msync.CentOS.org rsync service (centosz7)

This service is intended for the sole use of the CentOS worldwide mirror network
to synchronize mirrors.

Unless you are running or intending to run a listed public CentOS mirror
use a mirror listed at http://centos.org/download/mirrors

If you intend to populate a mirror for public use please read the
notes at http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors

If you do use this service then it is implied that you are providing a
mirror for public use and giving us authority to publicise such mirror.

@ERROR: Unknown module 'CentOS'
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1503) [receiver=3.0.6]

here's my command:

rsync -vazH --delete msync.centos.org::CentOS  /srv

On 10/03/2016 01:55 AM, Fabian Arrotin wrote:



“Forethought.net has been a definite improvement over our previous “big name” provider and they promptly resolve any small concerns that may come up.” - Sarah B, Lifetime Windows and SidingOn 01/10/16 21:10, Jawaid Bazyar wrote:
Please add IP for mirror repos.forethought.net.

We will change IP once we can rsync from the new IP.

Updated, and older ip address removed (so replaced by the new one)


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