Big plus one on this for me as it seems  msync-DVD is pointing at msync now?

Anthony Somerset

Please excuse the brevity.

Sent from my iPhone.

On 5 Apr 2011, at 22:31, Paul Stewart <> wrote:

Since I’m full of questions today...;)


Where should we rsync from?  Originally I picked a nearby mirror site that offered rsync access (Steadfast).  We picked them because we peer with them, they are fast, and they carry the DVD ISO images etc.


A long time ago it was mentioned about an official rsync site we could get access to that carried DVD images – does this exist yet?






From: [] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: April-05-11 5:21 PM
To: Mailing list for CentOS mirrors.
Subject: [CentOS-mirror] Outdated Mirrors


There are quite a few mirrors that have not upgraded files in a while it would be nice to clean up all the broken mirrors on the list for the release of Centos 5.6.

CentOS-mirror mailing list