I have been having issues lately with my private mirror. I am currently syncing to mirrors.kernel.org, and have been for quite a while. However, I am just now getting around to installing and playing with CentOS 6.
My issue is that the /repodata/ folder(s) are not correctly syncing. I have actually attempted a couple of different tier 2 mirrors (the other was rsync://mirror.chpc.utah.edu/pub/centos/), and saw the same behavior. The error I received when attempting to install a package on a centos 6 server was: http://xx.xx.xx.xx/centos/6/updates/x86_64/repodata/36225ff5aa964e9fd025d55b...: [Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - "The requested URL returned error: 404" Trying other mirror. Error: failure: repodata/36225ff5aa964e9fd025d55b9b76fbf9e1d5fbf2f0412dfdbd63981ae4172c03-filelists.sqlite.bz2 from updates: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Indeed this file was missing. It isn't getting pulled down via rsync, but is referenced in repomd.xml. I manually deleted everything in the centos/6/updates/x86_64/repodata/ folder, and rsync'ed again, but it still didn't pull that particular file down.
I copied the file down manually to my repo server with a wget and the package install went fine after that. I ran into a nearly identical issue last week on the base/ tree. Looking at the http trees of a number of mirrors all show that file, including mirrors.kernel.org.
I am fairly new to this process, but this has me stumped. Here is the rsync command I have been using in a cron job running every 6 hours: echo "Updating CentOS repository" rsync -vazH4 --bwlimit=6250 --exclude-from=/usr/local/gmi/centos_repo_rsync.excludes --numeric-ids --delete --delete-after --delay-updates rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/centos /var/www/html/centos
when I manually ran that command today, it pulled down the new TIME & timestamp.txt files, and that was it.
Jim Goddard