Mohd Zaimiruddin Mohamed kirjoitti 19.10.2017 klo 10.17:
Hi All,
Just out of curiosity, why is our mirror not included in Mirror List but on mirror status page, our mirror is there. Do we skip any step? says is now 122.5 days behind, and true enough, says "Sun Jun 18 19:12:01 UTC 2017". shows only mirrors that are up to date, ie. mirrors whose age is less than 28 hours.
You should make sure your cron job to sync the mirror is operating properly. Once you have fixed the issue and your mirror is up to date, your mirror will automatically show up on the list of mirrors again (after a delay of a few hours).
There are a number of other mirrors on that are also showing problems.. Other mirror admins are also advised to check their mirror's situation from that page.