a) Which mirror does *NOT* want to carry the DVD isos?
Only one mirror does not want to but would - not bad, that was what I wanted to hear ...
I would think it would be more straight forward for mirror admins to exclude the DVDs from their pull if needed than to have a second rsync config to pull DVDs separately. Only concern I'd have is potential for lost mirrors due to uninformed admins dealing with blowback from sudden traffic and storage increases.
b) Who of you pull with machines where the IP address is different from the host from where you offer the mirror? Which IP address pulls for which mirror if your addresses differ?
Those weren't that many either.
In your opinion, would you rather go with password based acls or with ip based acls?
Also, agree with Jon that password could lead to leaks and abuse (and drift, and confusion and admin headaches for CentOS, etc..) I'd rather go with IP based acls, but I pull and serve from the same IP. ;)
Matt Ruzicka Sr. Systems Engineer mruzicka@cisp.com www.cisp.com www.yocolo.com