Hi Anssi,

Thanks for looking into it. I missed the command to enable the service on startup (it's now 12:33am here in Sydney :D). If you check it now, it should work. Port is now open.

Christopher Hawker
Phone: +61 478 164 665

From: CentOS-mirror <centos-mirror-bounces@centos.org> on behalf of Anssi Johansson <centos@miuku.net>
Sent: Saturday, 31 December 2016 12:15 AM
To: centos-mirror@centos.org
Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] New CentOS Mirror
30.12.2016, 13.36, Christopher Hawker kirjoitti:
> Hi All,
> I have created a new CentOS Mirror, details of which are below.
> HTTP: http://mirror.chrishawker.com.au/centos
> FTP: ftp://mirror.chrishawker.com.au/centos
> RSYNC: rsync://mirror.chrishawker.com.au/centos

Hi, it looks like your rsync port is not open in your firewall, or the
daemon is not running:

$ rsync rsync://mirror.chrishawker.com.au/centos/
rsync: failed to connect to mirror.chrishawker.com.au (
Connection refused (111)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(122)

Otherwise your mirror seems to be OK.

As for AltArch, yes, you will need to wait until Fabian adds your IP
address to the appropriate ACL. You can also make your initial rsync
from some other public mirror that mirrors AltArch, and then switch to
using msync.c.o for further updates. Some examples (there are more, but
these were the quickest to find from my logs):


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