We are come form EcVps , we having one dedicated server here. we would like to provide mirror of centos, is it possible :)
Background of ecvps, we aleady in business about a year now, and having 10 servers + , for my mirrors server, it is dedicated and it used for mirror only, and we will not put any client in there.
Please let me know, if you have any question to ask.
Thanks for your time.
The mirrors, i already downloaded.
Please email the list when you're all set up with your cron job and
your initial sync is completed. We will add you to our list of mirror
sites. Please provide all relevant URL's (ftp/http/rsync/?) as well as
how often you are synchronizing the mirror network. Please include what
city/state/country you are in and what your bandwidth cap is. Also
please give a name and link to the sponsoring organization so we can
give proper credit. If the best contact point for your mirror is not
the address you are subscribed to the mailing list with, please provide
the email address of your preferred contact as well.
Http, and i'm trying to download Direct DVD, would you add my mirros list in your website please..
The server located in US, Fremont
, For the bandwidth cap is using 100M, Unmetered
For the link, EcVps Technology , http://ecvps.com
Mirror > http://mirrors.ecvps.com/centos
Server ip:
Many thanks
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