Hi All,
{update: we've included the ISO's and done a full centos sync, these mirrors are ready to go}
Voxel would like to add two public mirrors to the CentOS community. They are as follows:
Mirror Type: HTTP Location: Singapore, SG (Singapore) Uplink: 1 Gbps URL: http://mirrors.sin1.sg.voxel.net/centos/ Sync: Daily
Mirror Type: HTTP Location: New York, NY (USA) Uplink: 1 Gbps URL: http://mirrors.lga7.us.voxel.net/centos/ Sync: Daily
Contact Address for both mirrors is: support@voxel.net Sponsoring Organization: Voxel dot Net, Inc. Short URL: http://www.voxel.net/ Long URL: If we can support longer URL’s (i.e. HTML format), we would appreciate our referral tracking url of http://www.voxel.net/?utm_source=centos&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign...
Thanks! Zachary Smith, Chief Operations Officer Voxel dot Net, Inc. [d] +1 212.812.4178 [f] +1 212.812.4195 www.voxel.net